Profitable Creatives

Your business needs you to be both an artist and an engineer. 🎨⚙️

You’re already an artist.

You know how to take amazing photos, write great copy, or design beautiful things. But running a successful business takes more than just creative talent.

The key is to approach your business the same way you approach your art: with curiosity and a willingness to try new things. 

The profit comes when you’re open to experimenting, learning, and making small improvements along the way.

Artist + Engineer = Profitable Creative

Well Emily, what the heck does that mean?

AKA, when you think like an engineer.

Ok, I'm in. Tell me more

Kids do it all the time.

How did you learn how to ride a bike?

You didn’t sit inside all day and *think* about riding a bike.

You learned to ride a bike by putting some training wheels on and testing it out. 

And when you're a little bit more confident, you take the training wheels off.

Sure, in the beginning you'll fall, but over time, didn't you get the hang of it?

We understand this so well in life, but when it comes to business, it gets lost, and we sit inside all day just THINKING.

So if that's you, and you're feeling stuck, take some action with a "training wheels" mentality.

You don't need it to be perfect. You just need to start so you can get the hang of it.

This is the engineering mindset.

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